After foolishly selecting what turned out to be a painting for my last blog. I decided to go to National Geographic's website and browse around in their Photography section. There are a ton of really beautiful pictures (not surprisingly) worth taking a look at. I'm curious about what filters were used, if any and if the photographer took a long exposure or was just lucky enough to get 'perfect' settings for her to just snap the picture. I feel like the tree in the middle-left helps balance the shot with the moon (very bright moon) since its so dark, but is also full of jagged lines. This photograph was taken up in Alaska by Susan Stevenson.
Another night-time shot. According to the photographer, this was an all-night exposure taken on a mountain in British Columbia. I think this might be an exception of curved lines (star trails) being more attractive to the eye than jagged lines (the trees.) The yellow and orange light in the bottom left half kind of adds a "Starry Night" quality to the whole thing, don't you think? It's also great for drawing attention to the horizon and makes me feel like the picture is really grounded thanks to the extra attention to the earth and trees.